V.M. & BROS. CO. W.L.L.


About Us


VMB values are an Integral part of the company. They help us communicate better with both: Our Clients and Our Suppliers, hence making our relationship stronger.

Through integrity, accountability, passion, humility, simplicity and a focus on success, we have created a vibrant company culture where ideas can blossom, people can thrive and success can flourish.


  • Demonstrate a commitment to integrity and ethics
  • Show respect for and value all individuals for their diverse backgrounds, experiences, styles, approaches and ideas
  • Listen to others for understanding
  • Assume positive intent


  • We Take personal accountability for our actions and have never stepped down or moved away from our commitments.
  • Focus on finding solutions and achieving results
  • Actively engage in discussions and commit to decisions once they are made
  • Involve others in decisions and plans that affect them
  • Keep promises and commitments made to others
  • Personally commit to the success and well-being of teammates
  • Embrace the belief that all injuries are preventable and that achieving a healthy and safe environment starts with “me”


  • Show pride in our brands and heritage
  • Delight our consumers and serve our customers through the high quality of our products and services
  • Promote a positive, energizing, optimistic and fun environment
  • Promote and implement creative and innovative ideas and solutions
  • Value, promote and fiercely protect our reputation 


  • Value openness and curiosity to learn from anyone, anywhere
  • Seek and provide honest feedback 
  • Be open to personal change and continuous improvement
  • Learn from mistakes and successes in equal measure 
  • Never underestimate our competition


  • Seek to continually simplify and improve processes, procedures and activities 
  • Work across organizational boundaries/levels and break down internal barriers
  • Deal with people and issues directly and openly
  • Prize results over form


  • Achieve results and celebrate when we do
  • Help people to be their best by providing coaching and feedback
  • Work with others as a team to accomplish results and win
  • Have a “can do” (positive) attitude and drive to get the job done
  • Make people feel valued and appreciated
  • Make the tough calls